OF FAO Hundred and Forty-eighth Session Rome, 2-6 December 2013
Constitutional and Legal Matters
Report of the 97th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (21-23 October 2013)
The Council endorsed the report of the 97th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM).
In particular, the Council:
noted that the issue of the composition and functions of bureaux of Technical Committees under Article V of the Constitution was under negotiation by the membership and that its legal aspects might be reviewed by the CCLM at a future session;
endorsed the draft Conference Resolution set out in Appendix C to this Report entitled “Amendment of Rule XII, subparagraph 10(a) of the General Rules of the Organization” regarding the procedure for the election of the Independent Chairperson of the Council and decided to forward it to the Conference in June 2015;
Appendix C
Draft Resolution
the Conference
Amendment of Rule XII, subparagraph 10(a) of the General Rules of the Organization
Recalling that during its 147th Session in June 2013, the Council heard proposals from Member Nations concerning, inter alia, elections and time
spent in holding secret ballots;
Noting that the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters at its 97th Session in October 2013 recommended an amendment to Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization and that the Council at its 148th Session in December 2013 endorsed the proposed amendment;
Decides to amend Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization as follows:
Rule XII
Quorum and Voting Arrangements at Meetings of Conference and Council
The appointment of
the Chairperson of the Council and of the
the admission of additional Member Nations and Associate Members shall be decided by secret ballot. Other elections shall likewise be decided by secret ballot, except that in the case of an election in which there are not more candidates than vacancies the Chairperson may submit to the Conference or Council that the appointment be decided by clear general consent.
(Adopted on ....)